Soon after I first moved to San Diego in 1995 I was privileged to meet one of my all-time heroes of metalsmithing: Arline Fisch, who was teaching at SDSU. She told me about ACSD and I applied at the next opportunity. I have gotten to know so many incredible talents in the San Diego Arts community through this organization, and have also learned of the strong history of the Crafts Movement in this region. I am grateful to be a part of making this history.
The words Contemporary and Craft may not seem compatible, but the skill that “craft” represents in “contemporary” design is a unique and powerful intersection in today’s art world!
Allied Craftsmen of San Diego will be exhibiting Material Obsessions at Sparks Gallery May 27-July 9, 2017

Palladium Jellyfish Pendant with Mabe’ Pearl and (post consumer) diamonds, photo by Robert Weldon